Themes and goals of the event  

The contact seminar organised by the National Agency of Belgium (French speaking community) is mainly made to operate encounters between participants in order for them to build projects to apply under the Erasmus+ programme, whether it is KA1 or KA2 projects.  

This seminar is willing to have a systemic scope and is therefore open to all sectors of education and training that concerns the young person.  

The specific aim of that event will be to highlight some innovative and original learning practices to fight against and reduce the social and educational inequalities among the young learners. We wish to bring solutions on the learner’s well-being and for that, create connections between formal and non-formal education.  

Several international studies driven by the EU and the OECD have stressed out the fact that many learning and teaching practices and methods are vectors of social and educational inequalities reproduction such as: relegation, repeated year, passive teaching methods, cultural and racial discriminations, etc.  

The seminar will be short but intensive and will alternate some theoretical presentation from expert (studies, observations, etc.) with testimonies, presentation of innovative practices in an innovative manner in order to really show to the participants the different existing opportunities on our topic and workshops in order to work on a theme and develop project’s ideas.  


Expected results  

  •         Get applications of quality on the topic : reduction of social and educational inequalities ;
  •         Make mentalities change;
  •         Create a European network of professionals.  

Profile of participants  

We are looking for participants coming from either school, youth or vocational education and training sector who wish to foster the change in the traditional educational system and to contribute to a European space of education. Participants can be formal educational staff (teachers and educator), as well as youth* facilitators or course providers for school staff coming from the private or public field.

* Youth = young person between 12 and 20 years old.